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Médecine du travail du personnel hospitalier

Risk of burn-out among medical staff

ID: BE1401021I
Author: Caroline Vermandere
Institution: HIVA KU Leuven
Country: Belgium
Language: EN
Publication date: 10-03-2014
Sector: Health and Social Work
Subject: Psychosocial work factors, Stress and the workplace, Working time
A study of medical staff in Belgium has found that work pressure and high levels of emotional exhaustion are having a negative impact on staff working in hospitals. Around 60% of the medical staff said they felt engaged by their work, and they appreciated support from colleagues. However, 18% of nurses and 13% of doctors said they felt at risk of ‘burn-out’. They did not single out one single aspect of their work as the cause, but said they were under pressure generally and blamed conflict over the division of labour.

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