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Infection risks associated with needleless intravenous access devices.

Nurs Stand. 2007 Nov 21;22(11):38-44.
Infection risks associated with needleless intravenous access devices.
Casey AL, Elliott TS.
Department of Clinical Microbiology, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham.

Needleless intravenous (i.v.) access devices were initially introduced into clinical practice to reduce the rate of i.v. catheter-related needlestick injuries. Their efficacy for this purpose has been confirmed in subsequent reports. However, since their introduction approximately 15 years ago there have been conflicting reports about the risk of i.v. catheter-related bloodstream infection. This article reviews the risk of catheter-related bloodstream infection associated with needleless i.v. access devices and outlines the types of needleless i.v. access devices available.

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