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Médecine du travail du personnel hospitalier

Influenza vaccine coverage for healthcare workers in geriatric settings in France.

Aging Clin Exp Res. 2006 Dec;18(6):512-6.
Influenza vaccine coverage for healthcare workers in geriatric settings in France.
Rothan-Tondeur M, de Wazieres B, Lejeune B, Gavazzi G; Observatoire pour le Risque Infectieux en Geriatrie Association.
Observatoire pour le Risque Infectieux en Geriatrie (ORIG), Hopital Charles Foix , Ivry sur Seine, France.

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Because of a relative lack of efficiency of influenza vaccine in the elderly population, influenza outbreaks in geriatric healthcare settings are probable, despite high influenza vaccination rates in patients. Nosocomial influenza outbreaks, more probably related to healthcare workers, have also been reported. Therefore, vaccination of healthcare workers is considered to be an important preventive policy, to decrease the in-hospital influenza burden during the viral circulation period. METHODS: This multicenter study measured influenza vaccine coverage of Health Care Worker in 102 geriatric healthcare settings (acute care, rehabilitation care, long-term care) by a first questionnaire. A second questionnaire assessed main factors associated with vaccine acceptance. RESULTS: 102 geriatric healthcare settings (20%) answered the first questionnaire. Vaccine coverage for physicians (n=187), nurses (n=631) and nurse assistants (n=1487) were 48.4%, 30.5% and 27.9%, respectively. Vaccination rates were correlated between occupational categories according to healthcare settings. Vaccination rates were significantly lower in acute care settings compared with rehabilitation and long-term care settings. Local recommendations was reported for 29.9%, but was not correlated with vaccine coverage. The second questionnaire showed that lack of motivation and knowledge, and organizational problems were the three main reasons for reluctance to be vaccinated. CONCLUSIONS: In French geriatric settings, influenza vaccine coverage of healthcare workers is low and highly variable, according to the type of healthcare setting. A group effect was found between occupational categories. However, the reasons for non-acceptance need further evaluation to improve HCW influenza vaccine coverage.

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