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Médecine du travail du personnel hospitalier

Preventing sharps, splash, and needlestick injuries in dentistry: a comprehensive overview.

Gen Dent. 2005 May-Jun;53(3):188-93.
Preventing sharps, splash, and needlestick injuries in dentistry: a comprehensive overview.
Mamoun JS, Ahmed SM.
This article presents a comprehensive collection of precautions and sugggestions for preventing sharps, splash, and needlestick injuries in dentistry. The authors looked at studies of sharps and splash injuries in dentistry to determine which of these injuries are most common. They then assembled a set of precautions to prevent these injuries based on published literature, tips learned from other dentists, and their own clinical observations. Dentists must remember and apply many precautions to prevent the broad spectrum of sharps and splash injuries that could occur during the delivery of dental care.

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